Canadians Deserve
to Have their Pensions
Canadian pensioners have worked hard all their lives and deserve to have their pensions protected. We are calling on governments across Canada to work together to safeguard defined benefit pensions.
The Canadian Federation of Pensioners (CFP) advocates on behalf of defined benefit pension plans and their members. Founded in 2005, the CFP is the united voice of 22 retiree groups, representing 300,000 defined benefit pensioners, who work together to improve pension security across Canada. CFP is affiliated with CARP, CanAge, FADOQ and the National Pensioners Federation.
Our organization has a long history of working collaboratively with provincial and federal government agencies responsible for pension regulation. Our active engagement at the federal and provincial levels includes pre-budget consultations, committee hearings, legislative consultations, stakeholder meetings, lobby days, media campaigns and face-to-face meetings with senior ministers and other elected and government officials.
In April 2023, CFP and our partners successfully secured the passage of the Pension Protection Act, which gives super-priority status to single-employer defined benefit pension plans in insolvency. We continue to advocate for pension protection at all levels of government.
ActiPension (Association de protection des droits
des participants au RPRTA)
Association des employés retraités du journal Le Soleil (AESRJS)
ARAC (Association des retraités Abitibi Consol)
Association des Retraités(es) Syndiqués(es) de Rio Tinto Alcan (ARSTRA)
Catalyst Salaried Employees and Pensioners Advocacy Association
CCRetirees Organization (salaried retirees of Chrysler Canada)
DIPAC (DuPont Invista Pension Association of Canada)
GENMO Salaried Pensioners Organization (retirees of General Motors Canada)
International Association of International Air Transport Association Retirees (IAIR)
KODA Retirees Association/Association Des Retraités KODA (retirees of Kodak Canada)
MacMillan Bloedel Weyerhaeuser Retired Salaried Employee Club
MROO (Municipal Retirees Organization Ontario)
Novartis/CIBA Retirees Group
Police Pensioners Association of Ontario
RERWBS (Regroupement des Employés Retraités White-Birch Stadacona)
SCRG (Sears Store and Catalogue Retiree Group)
Society of United Professionals Pensioners Chapter
SSPO (Stelco Salaried Pensioners Organization)
Unifor Local 222 Retired Workers Chapter
Yellow Pages Pensioners Group (YPPG)
Pro-QPIP Group
Michael Powell
President, Canadian Federation of Pensioners
Michael is a passionate advocate for pensioners and serves as the President of the Canadian Federation of Pensioners and President of the GENMO Salaried Pension Organization. Prior to retiring in 2009, Michael had a 34-year career with General Motors of Canada, where he was recognized for his leadership in addressing both strategic and tactical issues and delivering solutions that optimally blended business process and technology. During his career, Michael implemented business critical projects ranging from a live to air interactive distance learning network with three studios and 800 downlink sites to GM Canada's first customer relationship management platform. He was instrumental in implementing General Motors Corporation's first stamping plant to exclusively use transfer presses to make major body panels. Michael holds a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering from Kettering University and a Masters of Science in Information Management from Carnegie Mellon University.