DB Pensions
03.2023 Submission to Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA) Re: Draft Strategic Plan
01.2023 Bill C-228 Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Commerce and the Economy
02.2021 Federal Pre-Budget Submission
07.2020 2021 Federal Pre-Budget Submission
05.2020 Presentation to Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA)
05.2019 Bill C97 Senate Submission
02.2019 Open Letter to the Prime Minister from CFP, CARP, NPF, CLC Pension coalition
02.2019 Open Letter to the Leader of the Official Opposition from CFP, CARP, NPF, CLC Pension Coalition
02.2019 Open Letter to the Leader of the NDP from CFP, CARP, NPF, CLC Pension Coalition
02.2019 Open Letter to the Leader of the Green Party from CFP, CARP, NPF, CLC Pension Coalition
12.2018 Response to the Consultation Document Enhancing Retirement Security for Canadians
02.2021 Ontario Pre-Budget Submission
02.2020 Pre-Budget Submission
02.2020 FSRA Supervisory Approach to Actively Monitored Pension Plans Submission
11.2019 FSRA Proposed Approach to the Supervision of Pension Plans Submission
11.2019 PPSA Submission Final Public Consultation Re Business Law Modernization and Burden Reduction Council
01.2018 Reform of Ontario’s Funding Rules for Defined Benefit Pension Plans Submission
02.2021 Quebec Pre-Budget Submission
11.2020 Submission to Public Finance Commission on Bill 68
02.2020 Consultations pré-budgétaires : régime d’assurance-pension du Québec (RAPQ)
01.2020 Lettre au Premier ministre du Québec, François Legault
07.2022 Private Sector Pensions Review Submission
British Columbia
08.2019 Response to Solvency Funding Recommendations Under the Pension Benefits Act
01.2019 A Review of the Solvency Funding Framework Under the Pension Benefits Standards Act Submissio
01.2018 The Pension Benefits Act Review Submission
Nova Scotia
09.2017 Pension Funding Framework Review Submission
06.2021 A Review of the Pension Funding Framework Submission